Friday, February 28, 2025

The Vapors - Wasp in a Jar

How amazing would it be if the best album of 2025 were to be released by a band that first formed nearly five decades ago? It just might happen! Wasp in a Jar is The Vapors' fourth album and their second since they reformed in 2106 after thirty-plus years of inactivity. While 2020's Together was nothing short of a triumphant return, Wasp in a Jar feels even more like vintage Vapors due to its mix of social/political commentary and deeply personal reflections. Perhaps it's stating the obvious that Wasp in a Jar "sounds like The Vapors," but that was exactly my first impression. Other than the fact that David Fenton is 45 years older and sounds like it (as he should), there's little about Wasp in a Jar that's dramatically different from 1980's New Clear Days. This is a brilliant punk-influenced power pop album that finds this venerable band rivaling the best of power pop's present-day standouts. And while Fenton and bassist Steve Smith are the only original members left, Michael Bowes on drums and Fenton's son Dan on lead guitar are formidable players in their own right who more than live up to the standard of their predecessors. I've always put David Fenton in the top tier of the finest songwriters from the new wave generation. His ability to craft thoughtful, clever pop songs and infuse them with irresistible hooks is a rare gift. He is, as the kids say, one of one. It's truly remarkable that after not releasing music for nearly four decades, he has been able to pick back up like he never stopped. And his musical chemistry with his bandmate Smith remains something quite remarkable. 

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Wasp in a Jar was recorded and produced in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania (practically in my back yard!) by Michael Giblin of The Split Squad. Working with a producer who fully "gets" what the band is about was a great move for The Vapors — who financed the album with help from fans. Wasp in a Jar follows the artistic success of Together with an even stronger, more fully realized collection of songs. Sometimes with these old-timer bands, we consider it a moral victory if their new music simply doesn't tarnish their legacy. But these last two albums have found The Vapors not diminishing their legacy but rather building on it. Even if you knew nothing of this band's '80s output, you would listen to Wasp in a Jar and think, "What a great album!" Never interested in operating as a nostalgia act, these 21st century Vapors continue to make fresh, meaningful music of the highest quality. Over the course of 14 (or 15) tracks, this album finds David Fenton reflecting on life, love, and the state of the world — with the pandemic being a topic of particular emphasis. As a songwriter, you're going to have a very different perspective in your late 60s & early 70s than you did in your 20s, and these songs reflect that. Here David Fenton writes and sings from the point of view of someone who's experienced and learned a lot. This makes love songs like "Forever and Ever" and "It Gets Better" all the more powerful. If early '80s David Fenton was a young man who was wise beyond his years, the current version is an elder statesman who remains young at heart.    

It's hard to single out standout tracks on a record that's practically flawless (I have the same pleasant problem with New Clear Days, which is almost certainly my favorite album of all-time). That said, it's hard to deny that opening track and lead single "Hit the Ground Running" will be a fan favorite. Right off the bat, you know which band you're listening to, and this might be the punchiest The Vapors have ever sounded on record. "Miss You Girl" is almost impossibly catchy, and it immediately takes its place along side this band's most classic tracks. "Idiot Creature," which blends raga and reggae influences, shows that even these older and wiser Vapors have plenty of punk vitriol left in them. "Carry On" is the sort of mid-album epic that has always been a Vapors hallmark. "Look Away" is pure pop and one of Fenton's most honest and heartfelt compositions. The deeply touching "Proud" and anthemic "Together Again" close out the digital version of the album in style — reminding us that above all else, The Vapors are masters of perfect pop music. In the year 2025, a Vapors album even half this good would have been more than satisfactory. But "satisfactory" was clearly not the bar the band set for itself. To all of you who put up your hard-earned money to help fund this album because you trusted that The Vapors had something special in the works, the world thanks you.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

J Prozac- "Take Me Away"

When it comes to the modern-day pop-punk scene, J Prozac is the epitome of class. He consistently turns out quality releases with his longtime band The Prozacs and as a solo artist. His solo work typically finds him expanding his musical palette yet never straying too far from his pop-punk roots. On his new single "Take Me Away," he's done something pretty remarkable: crafting a tune that's somehow both one of the poppiest and most "rock" songs he has ever done. By broad definition, this is what power pop is supposed to be. Sometimes I can't quite put my finger on what it is about Jay's music that strikes such a chord with me. But with "Take Me Away," it's just so obvious: he writes songs that you can feel deep in your soul. This is a song about being in such a dark place that you wish you could just run away from your life. But it's no bummer. Jay sings and performs this song with such raw emotion that you can't help but feel a connection. A song about hopelessness feels more like a song of hope because you know you're not alone in your despair. There are few songwriters in this genre who are this honest and open with their feelings. I also love the sound of this track: it's crisp and clean, but it also hits like a ton of bricks. On the flip side, "On My Own" is a great version of an old song by The Bates which was previously included on the Wolverine Records release What You Leave Behind (A Tribute To The Bates). Yet if you didn't know the track was previously released, you might think it was recorded just for this release. These two songs definitely have a similar vibe, and they work together perfectly as a single. Lighthouse Records will be releasing the vinyl next month, and you can pre-order now via Bandcamp. Copies are limited to just 100 in Germany and another 100 in the States, so don't dilly-dally!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Cult Crime - "Throwaway Kids"

Toronto's Cult Crime continues its assault on your senses with another ripping single. "Throwaway Kids" brings to mind the dawn of hardcore punk — when bands were starting to play harder and faster but still a kept a foot planted in rock 'n' roll. A la last month's "Desperation," this track is blistering, ferocious, and chock full of raw energy. This, my friends, is punk fucking rock as it ought to be. A full album on Ugly Pop is shortly forthcoming, and I can't wait! If you dig DOA, Zero Boys, early Black Flag, etc., Cult Crime ought to be your new favorite band.

Public Toys - self titled

How about another smashing cassette release from the mighty River Trash Records! Public Toys are based in Lille, France and feature ex-members of Crusaders of Love and Moron's Morons (among others). On this four-song tape, the band blends blistering budget trash with spectacularly sleazy old school glam-punk rock 'n' roll. From the opening strains of "Shell Beach," you can practically smell the booze, sweat, and garage gasoline fumes. If you like smoking lead guitar, howling vocals, and a primitive, bashing musical spirit, you will find lots to love in these four songs. This is a promising debut, and I'm excited to hear more from Public Toys. River Trash sure knows how to pick 'em!

Kryye - Kollektief

Given what a bad secret Kryye's true identity is, you may be wondering why I would bother to review a fake band. I'm personally more inclined to describe Kryye as an "imaginary" band, but perhaps that's splitting hairs. So yeah, if your enjoyment of Kryye was entirely contingent on the band actually being bright-eyed young whippersnappers from South Africa who somehow possess vast knowledge of generally obscure music released on another continent before they were even born, I get it. But if you liked the first Kryye album simply because it was a banging pop-punk record, you're going to like the second one (out now on Hey Pizza! Records) even more. 

Whether Kryye's social media presence constituted nefarious catfishing or was merely an extraordinarily above-and-beyond commitment to the fine art of kayfabe is a matter of opinion. But for me, the knowledge that the purported band members are completely fictional may have even deepened my appreciation for Kryye. I get what's going on with this new album, Kollektief. It's a supreme '90s pop-punk love fest. The band may not be real, but the music most definitely is (with, granted, vocal production straight out of the Dave Seville playbook). Obviously we're talking about an artist here whose bona fides within the pop-punk scene are well established. He knows how to write a simple and catchy pop-punk tune. And if it sometimes seems like he's re-writing the same song over and over, that's probably the point. This album is loaded with '90s pop-punk Easter eggs, with winks and nods to the likes of Teen Idols and Beatnik Termites and direct references to a number of Lookout! Records staples. So basically this is a record for '90s pop-punk super-fans made by a '90s pop-punk super-fan. If the intended illusion here is that there are people half our age who feel the same way about this music as we do, I understand the angle. Most of these songs clock in under two minutes and quickly worm their way into your skull. The lyrics tread tried-and-true territory for the pop-punk genre but are genuinely clever and in many cases quite hilarious. I understand that not everyone will be amused. But if you held on to your copy of Girl You Know It's True back in 1990 when everyone else was trashing theirs because, you know, killer tunes are killer tunes, you might be open to appreciating Kollektief for what it is. If "Groovie Ghoulie" isn't a perfect pop-punk song, I don't know what is. "Wiggle," a tale of a romantic betrayal so devastating that it permanently ruins one of your favorite records, would have had 25-year-old-me doing backflips. 

Kollektief will certainly be an extremely polarizing release within the pop-punk scene. I understand that a lot of people are feeling bamboozled. But having already gone on record as a fan of Kryye's music, I would be a stone cold bullshitter if I suddenly claimed I didn't like it. If I wrote off every album where the people listed on the back cover didn't actually play on the record, my music collection would be considerably smaller. When it comes to fake bands, Kryye is pretty dang legit.

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Speedways - "Visiting Hours"

Wait! What? The Speedways have a brand-new single out? How was I not aware that such a thing was in the works? I must be losing my touch! This is, as they say, kind of a big deal. It's the first new Speedways song since "Tell Me I'm Wrong" was released nearly two years ago. And I'll be damned if they didn't just turn out the best song Elvis Costello never wrote! Matt's in rare form here — writing about matters of the heart (specifically forgiveness) with great eloquence and an insight into such matters that can only be attained through personal experience. There are so many quotable lyrics in this song, so I'll just let you listen and read along rather than singling any out. The band, now a trio, hits that power pop sweet spot just right. And of course that chorus is absolute perfection. Given the long wait for new Speedways material, my expectations were sky-high. But "Visiting Hours" is everything I wanted a new Speedways song to be and then some. It manages to be classic Speedways without succumbing to the sort of self-imitation that can sink a band like this after a few albums. Stardumb, FOLC, and Beluga Records are teaming up to release it on vinyl in April, and then a new album is due out later this year. My god, I can't wait!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Outtacontroller - "Cheap Pop"

What else can you say about Outtacontroller other than that this is one of the best freaking bands out there that never gets enough credit? Year after year and release after release, these guys continue to bring it. New digital single "Cheap Pop" is vintage Outtacontroller — a short-and-sweet earworm of buzz-saw garage-punk-pop goodness that's sure to get your head bobbing and leave you begging for more. So go ahead and push play, crank up the volume, and enjoy some cheap pop of the absolute highest quality. If you can manage to have more fun than this for the low price of zero dollars, you are living well!

Borderlines - Repair Kit

Maine pop-punk veterans Borderlines follow up their truly excellent long player Keep Pretending with an absolutely aces EP called Repair Kit. Released yesterday (yes, Valentine's Day!) on Mom's Basement Records, this four-songer represents pop-punk music at its finest. While it's amusing that I can look at a group of guys who are way younger than I am and describe them as an "older" pop-punk band, I think you all get the point. Borderlines smash the stereotype that pop-punk is a kid's genre. You can come at this style from a more grown-up perspective and still be as pop and punk as ever. Across these four songs, the hooks are undeniably catchy and positively infectious. But lyrically, there's a lot more sophistication and ambiguity than what is probably typical in pop-punk. I raved about "Okay, Socrates" last month, and the three other songs on the EP are just as good. These are thoughtful, well-crafted, and well-produced songs from a really terrific band. The fine folks at Mom's Basement Records always seem to have their finger on the pulse of the best stuff going in pop-punk, and apparently I was asleep at the wheel when they put out Keep Pretending a couple years ago! But hey, here's to me being a life-long learner and finally arriving to the party! The 7" release for Repair Kit (on pink marble, translucent yellow, and coke bottle vinyl) is extremely limited, so get those orders in while you can!

Real Sickies - Triage

Edmonton's Real Sickies have been nothing but pure class when it comes to poppy punk rock over the past decade. Next month, they will release their fifth full-length album, Under a Plastic Bag. In advance of the album, new single "Triage" is a sign of what's to come. The song was inspired by a car accident that Ben Disaster and his wife were lucky to survive, and its chaotic feel is by design. Infusing a punk-pop song with the spirit of both panic and perseverance is no easy feat, but Real Sickies have pulled if off in collaboration with producer Joshua Wells. With the forthcoming album promising to expand on the band's sound with the incorporation of more new wave, power pop, and indie rock influences, "Triage" is a nice little taster. The full album will be out March 14th on Stomp Records. For now, enjoy this surreal banger and its accompanying music video!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Miss Georgia Peach - Class out the Ass

Holy smokes, they pulled it off! Miss Georgia Peach, Travis Ramin, and the Nashville Pussy/Nine Pound Hammer gang joined forces three years ago to bring us Aloha from Kentucky — which I recently proclaimed to be one of my four favorite albums of the decade. These folks had such a blast making Aloha from Kentucky that they decided to assemble once more and make another country record. Luckily, getting the band together went a lot better for Miss Georgia Peach than it did for Doyle Hargraves. Class out the Ass, out today on Rum Bar Records, is that rare sequel that's even better than the original! If you want to hear some great country music with a rock 'n' roll edge, stop reading my drivel and go listen to this album! 

Backing Miss Georgia Peach on Class out the Ass is a true super-group. In addition to producing, Travis Ramin is on drums. Ruyter Suys is on lead guitar. Blaine Cartwright is on rhythm guitar. Mark Hendricks is on bass. Earl Crimm is on guitar. A.J. Srubas is on fiddle and pedal steel. Heather Parrish is on backing vocals. Suys, Cartwright, and Scott Luallen all make appearances on vocals. All that formidable talent is a big part of what makes this record such a treat. Another big part is the song selection — which is absolutely bulletproof. In terms of cover choices, this album leans more to deeper cuts. As was the case with Aloha from KentuckyClass out the Ass largely draws its material from the 1960s and '70s glory days of country music but also ventures into some pleasantly surprising territory. "Shut Up And Drink Your Beer," a punched-up take on Norman Wade's mid-'80s country hit, is a perfect album opener that establishes the swaggering vibe of this record. Other standout covers include Ira Louvin's "Who Throw Dat Rock?" (you know I'm always a fan of dark humor!), a blistering take on Janis and Her Boyfriends' "Bang Bang," the wonderfully snarky Bobby George/Bonita Stevens number "Take Your Guitar and Git," and a stunning version of the Mike Nesmith/Stone Poneys classic "Some of Shelly's Blues." And I have to say it was a genius move to include a Pat Todd song ("Somewhere Down the Line") on a country album! As was the case last time, the duets alone justify the price of admission. Suys joins MGP on a spirited rendition of the Richard Dobson song "Baby Ride Easy" (a hit for Carlene Carter and Dave Edmunds). Luallen plays the perfect two-timer on the Nat Stuckey–penned "Sweet Thang." Cartwright and MGP are an absolute hoot as they do their best Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn on "You're the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly." Two MGP original songs, "Dusty" and "Honeywagon," fit perfectly on the record. The former, of course, is a new arrangement of an old Beebe Gallini favorite. The latter is clever as hell and such a gem that I assumed it was a cover of some lost classic the first time I played the record!

Now that I've absolutely loved not one but two Miss Georgia Peach solo albums, I'm trying to put a finger on what it is about these records that I find so delightful. Obviously, a lot of that comes down to the lead artist here. MGP is simply a fantastic singer, and the country genre really suits her talents well. Whether she's channeling a fed-up bartender or the frustrated girlfriend of a wannabe musician, tapping into the depths of heartbreak, playfully engaging with her duet partners, or taking us to church on the Elvis live favorite "Let Me Be There," she's equally in her element. Beyond that, the joy that all these individuals put into making this album is palpable. You can truly feel the love in these performances. This is simply a fun album to listen to. While I would describe this music not as alt country but rather as country, period, there's an efficiency to these songs that has the spirit of punk or garage rock. 11 of 14 songs clock in at under three minutes, and the ones that don't only miss the cut by a little. There's no waiting around for the good parts on these songs. Every tune gets right down to business. If you love country music, you'll be reminded why. And if you don't, perhaps this record will have you softening your stance. The album title says it all, doesn't it?

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Feedbacks - Bring Back the Light

Spain's Feedbacks have literally been part of the modern power pop revival from the start. Their first EP came out in 1995 — making them one of the earliest punk/power pop crossover bands. Remember their classic 7" on Screaming Apple Records, Pop Invaders? Even as they shed their punk roots, the Feedbacks came to define a new era in power pop music. They released numerous quality albums from the late '90s through the mid 2010s, cementing their legendary status. And now, more than nine years after the release of their most recent long player Skyway Blvd., they are back and sounding as good as ever! The appropriately titled Bring Back the Light finds the Feedbacks treating our ears to nothing more and nothing less than classic power pop. It's a truly triumphant effort from a master class caliber band. If you like supremely melodic songs with sweet guitar hooks, intoxicating harmonies, and choruses to die for, Bring Back the Light is guaranteed to satisfy. The recipe is Raspberries/Shoes/Big Star worship by way of Teenage Fanclub, and the band executes it splendidly. The songwriting, vocals, and musicianship are absolutely top-notch. Without a doubt, this is up there with just about any power pop album to come out in the past few years. A truly inspired return!

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Ricky Rochelle - "Good News, I Love You"

Ricky Rochelle is back with another solo single, and again he's pouring good vibes out into a world that desperately needs them! A la last week's "Imagine Being Eric," "Good News, I Love You" incorporates musical influences we haven't really heard in Ricky's music before. With this track, the marriage of reggae and new wave pop with a pinch of straight-up rock feels very early '80s yet without coming off as consciously retro. The Police stylings seem obvious, but there are other influences in the mix as well. Most importantly, this song is a reminder that the world is never really as ugly as it seems when you watch the news or scroll through social media. There's a very high degree of difficulty in pulling off a happy love song, but Ricky Rochelle has nailed it with "Good News, I Love You." Once again, Ricky's knack for writing a perfect chorus is on display, and this song is nothing less than a ray of sonic sunshine. I can't wait for the next album!

The Roxies - "Reflection"

Well, my friends, we've got another brilliant single from The Roxies in advance of their forthcoming album Keep You Up At Night. "Reflection" finds the Berlin-based foursome again hitting that sweet spot where power pop and old school punk-pop become one. What's not to love about a German band with a British singer playing music inspired by the sounds of late '70s/early '80s UK and California? To use an American sports metaphor, The Roxies are a fastball blazing over the center of the plate of my musical tastes (and likely yours as well). "Reflection" is a song that will get your toes tapping and your head bobbing, but beyond that it's full of vocal and lyrical substance. I always love bands that can say something meaningful in their music even as they entice you with irresistible hooks and exhilarating energy. When it comes to the power pop/punk style of music, you just won't hear it carried off better than this. From the songwriting to the musicianship to the vocals to the production, "Reflection" is nothing but pure class. The full album will be out March 7 on Dirt Cult and Flight 13 Records, and you will not want to miss it!

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Bladder Bladder Bladder - Giving Punk A Bad Name

I've been waiting a quarter century for someone to have the good sense to give the greatest '77-style Brit-punk band of the '90s (that was actually based in Southern California) the proper compilation album treatment. I always thought that if you collected all of Bladder Bladder Bladder's singles along with some choice comp cuts, you'd have something that could stand toe-to-toe with just about any punk rock album released in the '90s. Finally, in 2025, Marco from No Front Teeth Records has proven me right! NFT had previously reissued Bladder Bladder Bladder's lone LP, 2000's On the Job. But I always maintained that the band's odds and sods were just as good if not superior to the album. Now Giving Punk a Bad Name collects most of that stuff, and it's essential listening for any human who never tires of listening to first wave UK punk rock. Yes, these tracks were recorded in the late '90s in California, but this album will practically transport you to 1977 London. As British expats who relocated to the U.S.A., the Bladder lads stood out like a sore thumb in the '90s SoCal punk scene. In classic tracks like "White American National Killer," "Crime Pays," "Living a Lie," "U.S. Dole Queue," and "No Go Girl," you can hear the influence of the music these guys grew up on. They simply ignored two decades of punk rock's evolution and wrote songs that today's algorithms would lump in with the likes of The Clash, Sex Pistols, Chelsea, Cock Sparrer, Generation X, and The Damned. Mick Bladder was the larger-than-life front man — a big, brash personality with a sharp wit and sense of humor that was unafraid to offend. Sterling Paramour was the guitar hero and occasional lead vocalist. Bassist Alex Creith wrote and sang a fair number of ace tunes as well. This was a band willing to engage in serious social commentary but never willing to take itself seriously. These guys had swagger in spades and the tunes to back it all up. Their songs were meant to be enjoyed under the influence of alcohol and were most likely written that way as well. In my book, Bladder Bladder Bladder should have been massive. 

In today's sprawling digitalized underground music scene, Bladder Bladder Bladder has been largely lost to history. As you may imagine, Google searches for "Bladder Bladder Bladder" mostly turn up unpleasant medical information. Outside of the band's contributions to High Society International's The British Punkinvasion Vol. 5, its music cannot be found on music streaming sites (although you can find the collected singles on The Switchblade New Wave's YouTube channel). The release of Giving Punk A Bad Name on perhaps the planet's preeminent punk rock record label will introduce the band's music to a whole new generation of fans — and delight old ones like me who have been wishing this record into existence for decades. Bladder Bladder Bladder was one of a handful of bands that I'd describe as the soundtrack to the very worst years of my life. And when life is at its bleakest, the music matters the most. As I listen back to these songs, I'm encouraged to discover that they really hold up — that I wasn't 100% full of shit when I championed these hooligans the first time around. Included here are tracks from 7" releases on Pelado Records and 77 RPM Records as well as a number of cuts from compilations you may have forgotten about (who remembers the Battle For The Airwaves Vol. 1 7" on Radio Records?!). It has all been remastered for your listening pleasure. 

What I like about reviewing music in the streaming era is that I can absolve myself of any responsibility for you spending money on music you end up not liking. I'm merely asking you to hit that play button and invest a few moments of your time in something you might want to buy. But with Giving Punk A Bad Name, it's a tougher sell. I'm asking you to fork over some of your hard-earned cash for a record you cannot listen to first. Some of you will have to pay exorbitant overseas shipping fees. But trust me: you will not be disappointed. And it's not like No Front Teeth has ever let you down. Bladder Bladder Bladder are giving punk a band name, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

The Prostitutes - Broken Ballads & Savage Beats

How about this for an incredible, hard-to-believe fact: Broken Ballads & Savage Beats is the first vinyl album by The Prostitutes in nearly 28 years! I have had the honor of writing about this band dozens of times since 1996, but this is only my second time reviewing a Prostitutes release on 12" vinyl. That's wild! 

The Prostitutes as an entity within the punk rock universe have survived numerous breakups, implosions, relocations, and reboots. I was reasonably certain when the first iteration of the band collapsed in 1998 that The Prostitutes were gone forever — destined to become one of those bands of punk lore that burned hard and fast before irreversibly going up in flames. But two years later, Kevin McGovern revived the band from the ashes with a mostly new lineup — and within months it seemed The Prostitutes were again dead and buried, surely this time obliterated beyond the point of no return. Or so we all thought. Nothing, it turned out, could really kill The Prostitutes. What started out as a punk rock band from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania became a compulsion that followed Kevin McGovern wherever he went. And even as time passed and the supporting casts continued to revolve, the music continued to fiercely rage against the dull trappings of conformity. If an esteemed scribe like Mick Fletcher describes McGovern as a "punk rock legend," that's not an overstatement. The Prostitutes were more than worthy of a second proper LP, and I love that it comes to us courtesy of SahLugg Records and super-fan Kenney Garrett. 

Broken Ballads & Savage Beats is a Prostitutes retrospective that aims to cover the band's full career through 2019. It does include five tracks from the band's original, legendarily-volatile classic lineup, but it also includes three songs from the short-lived Y2K Prostitutes, a couple tunes from the band's 2000s California iteration, and several songs from the late 2010s when McGovern brought the band back to the East Coast. Essentially, the album splits the band's history into two halves: Side 1 is 1995 through 2000, and Side 2 is post-2000 (along with the closing demo track from McGovern's early '90s band Mainliner). And there's no drop-off from one side to the other. Of course "123 Go" and "Suicide Is Fun" are classics. But if "Sick to Death" or "Cheap Highs" were your very first exposure to The Prostitutes, you'd instantly want to hear more. Sometimes with band retrospectives or best-of compilations, the track selection can be too obvious or too encompassing. But that's not what is going on here. This album gives a balanced overview of a quarter century of The Prostitutes. It's not trying to be a best-of or a greatest hits comp. What it really is is a carefully-selected group of songs that collectively make a great punk rock LP. If you're looking for something more exhaustive, there are plenty of options available via Bandcamp. But if you want to own a Prostitutes LP that can throw on the turntable and enjoy along side all your other classic punk albums, Broken Ballads & Savage Beats will not disappoint. I love that this album was made to exist as a vinyl record. Sure, you can still download it if that's your preference. But this retrospective was made for Prostitutes fans who are vinyl lovers. The red vinyl and artwork look great, and the liner notes were penned by Mr. Kevin McGovern himself. 

If you had bet me a million dollars back in 1996 that I would still be writing about The Prostitutes in my mid-50s, I'd be in big trouble now. I never would have believed that I'd still be writing about music at this age, and I certainly wouldn't have believed that a Prostitutes album in 2025 was remotely possible. But here we are. Broken Ballads & Savage Beats instantly earns a spot on the short list of classic punk rock compilation LPs. And I'm betting this won't be the last time I have the occasion to write about this band!

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Ricky Rochelle - "Imagine Being Eric"

"Imagine Being Eric," Ricky Rochelle's new solo single, is an absolute delight. While the song has the spirit of pop-punk, it's definitely a departure from Ricky's usual style of music. It's more on the quirky side of new wave/power pop with hints of classic indie/alternative. What I love about this song is that it's exactly what the world needs way more of right now. It comes from a place of empathy, compassion, and kindness. Mailman, cat dad, and '80s table tennis star Eric is a lonely soul who has presumably given up on finding love. The song doesn't judge or poke fun at him — it invites you to put yourself in his shoes. And you do so because you could be in his shoes or maybe already have been. This could have been a bummer of a song, but the sweetness of Ricky's vocal delivery gives it a much warmer vibe. The best songs about loneliness make us feel more connected to our fellow humans, and I would absolutely put "Imagine Being Eric" in that category. The song's chorus is so simple in structure yet so brilliantly crafted. You won't hear a catchier song this year. Ricky Rochelle is just one of those singers who's naturally likable. You hear him through those headphones and feel like a friend is talking to you. And that's part of the magic of "Imagine Being Eric." He's got another single coming out next Thursday, and I can't freaking wait!