Sunday, April 28, 2024

Rich Ragany - "A Pleasant Fiction"

What can I say about Mr. Rich Ragany that I haven't already said before? This guy is one of the greatest songwriters in present-day rock 'n' roll, and he has been on some kind of roll. On six occasions, he has authored one of my top ten albums of the year. And the chances of that number increasing to seven in a few months are literally 100 percent. Following a couple of huge-sounding efforts with his band The Digression, Rags wanted to take a simpler approach with his forthcoming solo album You Can Get Dark with Me. Every song on the album was home-recorded on the day it was written and later fully developed in the studio. This technique was meant to capture the original solitary inspiration of the songs while still allowing for each track to grow to its full potential. The album will be out on Barrel And Squidger Records June 14th, and pre-orders are open now. With your order, you will immediately receive a digital copy of the album's first single "A Pleasant Fiction," which features Ken Mochikoshi-Horne of The Bronx guest-starring on guitar. The formidable rhythm section of Simon Maxwell and Ricky McGuire also appears on the track. Rags describes it as "black and white cinema with a rush of colour chorus." The song is a reflection on the emotion of addiction — in Rag's words — "where it leaves the person struggling through it and where it leaves that person's loved ones." It's an incredible song from an incredible album, and I urge you to reserve your copy of You Can Get Dark with Me today! 

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