Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Real Tears: Too Cool To Rock!

So if you're bummed that Impo & The Tents have called it quits, you'll be happy to hear that fellow Swedes Real Tears have stepped up to fill the void. Not to be confused with The Real Tears (an excellent rock n' roll band from Norfolk, Virginia), the Swedish Real Tears feature a couple of guys from the great Rotten Mind in their lineup. But this is a very different band from Rotten Mind. Real Tears are as pure of a powerpop/punk band as you'll ever hear, and they rip through 15 fast and infectious songs on their delightful debut album Too Cool To Rock. While the phrase "high energy" is sometimes overused by music reviewers, it's pretty much the only way you can describe Real Tears! Only two songs on Too Cool To Rock exceed two minutes in length, and the band powers through every single track with the gusto of a small child hopped up on sugar. Don't be fooled by the wintry scene on the cover. This is a summer album all the way - a dizzying succession of upbeat and hooky punk tunes rooted in the worship of the Dickies and Ramones. And there's nothing wrong with that at all! Too Cool To Rock is out now on Snask Rekårds and can be purchased from Real Tears' Bandcamp. Seriously: how could I not be into a band that writes a song called "Beersday"? Listen and love!



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