Friday, August 09, 2024

Intrusive Thoughts (with Terminal Gagger) - "Obsessive"

Oh boy! Intrusive Thoughts, who melted my face with their debut single back in May, have followed up with a must-hear cover of "Obsessive" by The Vicious. Intrusive Thoughts, an intercontinental punk rock super-group featuring Greg Lonesome (Recoils, Lonesome Kings) on vocals and Oli W (Trenchkoat) on guitar, brought in the big guns for this track. The legendary Terminal Gagger guest stars on vocals. Of course the dual vocals sound bad-ass, and what impresses me is how both singers deliver the lyrics so convincingly. You can sense what this song means to these guys, and they really put their hearts and guts into doing it justice. We are talking about one of the greatest punk rock songs of the 2000s — a bona fide modern classic. Taking on a song this untouchable was a tall order, but I have to say that Intrusive Thoughts have fucking nailed it. In terms of style, theme, and vibe, this track really fits nicely alongside the band's previous single, "Daytime Drama." If you like bands that walk that thin line between '70s punk and early hardcore, you need to check out Intrusive Thoughts. More tunes from this band are in the works!


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