Friday, May 03, 2024

The Bacarrudas - Pool Party


duly warned you last month, so I hope you have prepared yourself for the debut album from The Bacarrudas. Pool Party is out today on Mom's Basement Records, and now the rest of your day is shot. You're not getting any more work done. No obligations will be met. All adulting has been postponed. Be ready to spend the next few hours dancing around the kitchen, wailing away on the air guitar, and singing along so loudly that your cat gives you the side-eye. The Bacarrudas have come storming out of the North Philly suburbs with 13 tracks of infectious, high energy, organ-driven frat rock goodness suitable for parties by the pool or anywhere else. Of course the whole vibe of this album is undeniable (this band must be insane live!), but it's the quality of the songs that really separates The Bacarrudas from your ordinary garage rock band. When it comes to crafting a catchy, rockin' tune, Adam Rabuck is undeniably an all-time great. Even outside the realm of pop-punk, he knows how to write a hit. If the likes of "You Can Have My Love If You Want It, OK?", "Elizabeth Anne," "Trouble," and "Rave It Up" aren't on your summertime playlist, you might as well not even have a summertime playlist! In 2024, The Bacarrudas have managed to produce what sounds like the best garage/R & B album of 1965, and who could deny that this is exactly what the world needs right now? 

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