Sunday, July 28, 2024

shiverlane - "Little English Pleasures"

Boston-based foursome shiverlane continues to be one of the most exciting up-and-coming bands in the musical universe that we broadly call power pop. In advance of its forthcoming album Sketches from the Departure Lounge (due in September), shiverlane has released the single "Little English Pleasures." This is probably the first power pop song ever to address the pleasure gardens of 18th century London. In typical shiverlane manner, the song dazzles with intoxicating melody and smart, memorable lyrics. It's playful while also hinting at some modern-day social commentary. Shiverlane is one of those bands that proves that exceptional musical talent does not necessarily detract from a band's ability to craft great pop songs. With its blend of humor, catchiness, and genuine educational value, "Little English Pleasures" is indicative of the unique charms that make shiverlane a must-hear band.  

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