Saturday, June 15, 2024

Linnea's Garden - "Chaotic Bisexual Summer"

When I heard that Linnea's Garden new single was going to be called "Chaotic Bisexual Summer," I knew the song would be epic. Knowing Linnea Herzog's talents as a songwriter and this band's consistently delightful output, I couldn't help but be a little excited. And sure enough, "Chaotic Bisexual Summer" is a summertime smash. The song, in its author's own words, is "a celebration of pride, visibility, and finding home within yourself by living an authentic life." Musically it's vintage Linnea's Garden — poppy, indie/punk-ish, and danceable but not limited by the boundaries of genre. The song was inspired by Linnea's first girlfriend and subsequent coming out experience ten years ago and what that set in motion in terms of personal growth. Lyrically, this is some of Linnea's most extraordinary work (the first verse alone is hall of fame worthy!). This song is full of vivid, memorable reflections, and any human with a heart can relate to the journey towards finding love as your true self. "Chaotic Bisexual Summer" is a serious song, but it's a fun one too. There's a joyfulness to the way this song is performed that really fits its lyrical themes. One of Linnea's greatest gifts as a songwriter is the ability to write from an autobiographical perspective and still create something that's universally relatable. This may be the first time I've ever seen a band quote Albert Camus in liner notes, but it 100% makes sense in the context of the song. I would urge you to read the quote and listen to the song and make your own connections. If you've got a summer playlist, "Chaotic Bisexual Summer" needs to be on it! 

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