Sunday, October 08, 2023

Autogramm - "WannaBe"

One upcoming album release I'm super stoked about is Music That Humans Can Play, the third LP from modern new wave titans Autogramm. The now-foursome has treated us to an advance single called "WannaBe" which has been accompanied by a really awesome retro music video. Sonically, this tune is vintage Autogramm. It draws from the coolest elements of new wave rock circa the late '70s/early '80s while still sounding like it belongs in the world of contemporary underground music. And it's a total earworm. Lyrically, it expresses an absolutely beautiful sentiment. Drummer/singer The Silo explains that "WannaBe" was originally written with one person in mind. As the song came to life, he realized it had taken on a broader meaning. In his words, "It's a declaration of love and support to any friend, child, or lover who is going through a change in their self-perception; the idea that gender, occupation, size, skin are all merely physical manifestations of being and will never matter as much as the person underneath it all." That's truly profound stuff, and to me there's no greater love in the universe than the unconditional acceptance of what makes others unique. Of all bands out there using synthesizers, none have more warmth or humanity than Autogramm. "WannaBe" is as good of a song as the band has ever released, and that gives me very high hopes for the full album. Music That Humans Can Play will be out November 17th via Stomp Records and Beluga Records!

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