Saturday, February 08, 2025

The Roxies - "Reflection"

Well, my friends, we've got another brilliant single from The Roxies in advance of their forthcoming album Keep You Up At Night. "Reflection" finds the Berlin-based foursome again hitting that sweet spot where power pop and old school punk-pop become one. What's not to love about a German band with a British singer playing music inspired by the sounds of late '70s/early '80s UK and California? To use an American sports metaphor, The Roxies are a fastball blazing over the center of the plate of my musical tastes (and likely yours as well). "Reflection" is a song that will get your toes tapping and your head bobbing, but beyond that it's full of vocal and lyrical substance. I always love bands that can say something meaningful in their music even as they entice you with irresistible hooks and exhilarating energy. When it comes to the power pop/punk style of music, you just won't hear it carried off better than this. From the songwriting to the musicianship to the vocals to the production, "Reflection" is nothing but pure class. The full album will be out March 7 on Dirt Cult and Flight 13 Records, and you will not want to miss it!

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