Saturday, February 08, 2025

Ricky Rochelle - "Good News, I Love You"

Ricky Rochelle is back with another solo single, and again he's pouring good vibes out into a world that desperately needs them! A la last week's "Imagine Being Eric," "Good News, I Love You" incorporates musical influences we haven't really heard in Ricky's music before. With this track, the marriage of reggae and new wave pop with a pinch of straight-up rock feels very early '80s yet without coming off as consciously retro. The Police stylings seem obvious, but there are other influences in the mix as well. Most importantly, this song is a reminder that the world is never really as ugly as it seems when you watch the news or scroll through social media. There's a very high degree of difficulty in pulling off a happy love song, but Ricky Rochelle has nailed it with "Good News, I Love You." Once again, Ricky's knack for writing a perfect chorus is on display, and this song is nothing less than a ray of sonic sunshine. I can't wait for the next album!

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