Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hoverborg - The Good Stuff

One of the nicest musical surprises of 2024 has been the emergence of the debut full-length from Hoverborg — a band from my own state that I know nothing about beyond that they've just released the greatest '90s alternative power pop album since, uh, the '90s! The Good Stuff brings to mind a time when bands like that dog., Letters to Cleo, Veruca Salt, and The Muffs were breathing fresh air into the modern rock scene. From those classic influences, Hoverborg crafts an endearingly geeky indie rock sound laden with earworm hooks and clever pop culture references. If the movie soundtrack version of Josie and the Pussycats had been a real band, and they were into The Lord of the Rings, science fiction, The Gilmore Girls, astronomy, pumpkin spice, and Kevin Smith movies, they would have sounded a lot like this. The Good Stuff is appropriately-named. While these songs bring to mind a specific moment in time when great pop music flirted with mainstream acceptance, the retro vibes translate well due to the exceptional quality of the band's songwriting and vocal harmonies. In addition to being a fantastic power pop album, The Good Stuff is the kind of record that's guaranteed to put a smile on your face. How can you not love a band that writes a song about Ruby the piggygator? They even showed Attack of the Clones some love! The joy that went into these songs is palpable, and you are sure to discover that it's infectious. Hands down, this is one of the best albums of the year. PA represent! 

1 comment:

Gooboy Quisp said...

Hey Josh I'm really glad you liked this album! I've been listening to it non-stop! This is probably gonna snag my pick for "Power Pop" Album Of The Year. And THANK YOU for this one - I just finally checked out "Friends Of Cesar Romero"! HOLY CRAP! His Bandcamp now belongs to me!
Love you brother! King Ralph