Sunday, May 24, 2020

Secret Caller - "Secret Caller"

Here's some hot new stuff from the Pacific Northwest that brings to mind the East Coast circa the mid-to-late '70s. Secret Caller features a couple of ex Valentine Killers guys and kinda falls in that proto-punk/power pop/rock and roll territory a la Real Kids, Dictators, and Nervous Eaters. I always enjoy it when bands write their own theme songs, and "Secret Caller" is certainly a great way for this group to introduce itself to the world. It's a ballsy toe-tapper of a tune with awesome driving guitars and a killer hook. If this song were any catchier, you would be legally required to remain at least six feet away from your speakers. "Do It Again (The Same Way)" dials back the pace a little but definitely hits that tougher side of power pop. I hope the song title is a self-fulfilling prophecy, because I am dying to hear more from Secret Caller! There are not enough bands like this out there right now. Phone up your favorite D.J. and tell 'em to play "Secret Caller" by Secret Caller! 


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