Monday, August 05, 2019

Dogmatics - "Summertime"

I don't often do "teaser" posts. But come on: we're talking about the almighty Dogmatics! This is one of my favorite bands of all-time, and in my mind THE definitive Boston garage/punk/rock and roll band. Dogmatics have not released a record in 33 years, but that is about to change! A while back, Malibu Lou let me in on the news that Dogmatics were joining the Rum Bar Records family. You can imagine my reaction to that! The result of this union will be a brand-new album coming out this fall. To get us all primed for this splendid event, Rum Bar has released Dogmatics' cover of Unnatural Axe's "Summertime" as a digital single. Appropriately enough, it appears now in the midst of...summertime! I am totally stoked for new music from Dogmatics and for a whole new generation of garage/punk fans to receive a proper introduction to one of the best bands to ever come out of Boston. In my 2013 review of the band's 1981-86 compilation, I lamented that Dogmatics' Facebook page had only 790 likes. Well now the count is over 1300 and growing! Be sure to crank "Summertime" while you're drinking by the pool, and be on the lookout for the new album coming soon! And if you're still unfamiliar with Dogmatics, be sure to check out my YouTube playlist or the entirety of 1981-86 on Spotify!


1 comment:

  1. Excellent cover. As featured on the Unnatural Axe 2XLP tribute.
