Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Unfinished Business: The False Positives - "Long Distance Romance"
This is going to be one of those years where I can't start reviewing new releases until I tie up some of the previous year's loose ends. The False Positives are a band I've reviewed a few times. I meant to review their latest single, "Long Distance Romance," when it came out last summer. But then I got sidetracked by real-life stuff and just spaced on it. That's a shame because this is a quintessential Faster & Louder type release. Dave has assembled a new, Boston-based False Positives lineup which includes Pete Cassani on lead guitar, Carl Biancucci on bass, and Stephen Hart on drums. Sure enough, "Long Distance Romance" brings to mind classic Boston garage power pop rock 'n' roll — with muscular guitars and big hooks. Lyrically, this an interesting reflection on the trials and tribulations of long-distance relationships — and whatever it is that makes people willing to endure them. The new lineup is sounding great, and that shows considerable promise for future releases from The False Positives! Check out this track if you like some power in your pop!
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