Friday, January 03, 2025

The Battlebeats - Live at Northspace Garut

Have I ever reviewed a live album before? I'm generally not a fan of live albums, but there are some exceptions to the rule. One is the new live album from The Battlebeats, Live at Northspace Garut. First of all, the recording sounds genuinely good. Fidelity-wise, it is comparable to the band's studio releases. Just as importantly, this album gives you a feel for what The Battlebeats sound like as a live full band as opposed to a one-man recording project. Given that I've ranked The Battlebeats in the top tier of today's garage punk/trash/budget rock universe, a quality live album definitely strengthens my case. 

The set was recorded by Rully Dentharza on November 11, 2023 and then mastered by Odie Fury. Andresa says this was one of his favorite Battlebeats live shows, and you can sense why when you listen to this recording. The energy and ferocity that are such a key part of The Battlebeats' studio releases are every bit as impressive in these live tracks. This whole set is played and sung with full fury. If you're a Battlebeats fan, this album will make you wish you were at this show, and it will have you hoping you get to see the band live someday. The set list features many favorites from the Search and Destroy album plus 7" cuts like "Killed by Boredom," "Get Lost," and "I'm Losing Control." The latter, one of the best Battlebeats songs, gets expanded to ten minutes thanks to a whopping eight-minute (!) guitar solo by Ferdy, who was helping to buy time for another band on the bill that was running late. Now that's the kind of spontaneous magic that you want to hear on a live record! This is a freaking great live album that truly exemplifies what wild and raw garage punk is all about. If this is your introduction to The Battlebeats, it will make you want to hear the rest of their music. And if you love The Battlebeats' music, you must own this live album. A cassette recording is available from Big Neck Records!

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