Sunday, January 26, 2025

Shit Missile - self titled tape

Holy crappers: this is how you do budget rock! Shit Missile is a band out of Berlin playing trashy lo-fi garage punk with the perfect mix of bad attitude and primitive abandon. Its new self-titled release is out on River Trash Records, a tape label out of Winnipeg run by Joe from Poison Suckers and Fashion Bathers. I heard this thing and was immediately blown away. Who needs professional production or pretty cover art when you can just put your heart, soul, and guts into some savage three-chord rock 'n' roll? There's nothing fancy going here: just raw, ear-bleeding fury that has me fondly recalling the 1990s heyday of blown-out garage punk. I'm not really a format geek like I was many years ago, but this does feel to me like the kind of release that would be awesome to experience on cassette tape. However you choose to listen to this, play it freaking loud!

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