Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vista Blue - "No Baseball at the Summer Olympics"

I enjoy Vista Blue songs about baseball, and I enjoy Vista Blue songs about the Olympics. So of course a Vista Blue song about the 2024 Summer Olympics not including baseball is going to be totally up my alley. The band's new singe is called "No Baseball at the Summer Olympics," and the title pretty much says it all. Just in case you were not aware of this fact, Vista Blue is here to deliver the devastating news. The good news is that baseball will be back in the 2028 Summer Olympics, and the chances of Vista Blue releasing a triumphant sequel to this song in four years are very, very high. I also appreciate that "No Baseball at the Summer Olympics" is essentially a love song. Mike's lyrics are Gold Medal caliber, and he and Mark have turned out another punky pop earworm. Breaking even gets a shout-out! I can't think of another band that more consistently adds more fun to my life. "No Baseball at the Summer Olympics" is another smash from the VB hit factory. Enjoy the summer games, my friends! 

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