Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Putz - On and Up and Out

With the exception of a Christmas single in 2022, The Putz had not released new music in four years. So it's a joy to have a new EP from one of the best pop-punk bands in the business — with more to come very soon! On and Up and Out is almost a concept record. So much of pop-punk as a genre exists because people break up with their significant others and want to wallow in misery. On this EP, Billy's songs essentially flip that idea upside down. On and Up and Out explores the silver linings of relationships meeting their demise. The cliché in the aftermath of a breakup is to say, "It was for the best." And that's usually bullshit. But sometimes it's not. Sometimes a bad breakup is an opportunity to reclaim your life and your freedom. Sometimes it's an escape from a toxic situation. Sometimes being alone is less miserable than being with someone who makes you miserable. The Putz is one of those rare bands that can get away with sticking to a defined musical style, and these four songs demonstrate why. This is pop-punk by the book — executed to perfection and (as the liner notes say) "guaranteed to get your toes tapping and fingers snapping." What more do you need! Enjoy these tunes now, and be on the lookout for a new Putz full-length coming soon on Mom's Basement Records!

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