Monday, January 01, 2024

The Von Dread's - Gotta Go!

Hailing from Valencia, Spain, The Von Dread's play high energy '70s-style punk rock 'n' roll with the emphasis on the rock. What's not to love about that? Gotta Go!, the band's debut EP, will be out later this month on Madrid's Snap!! Records. It's a ripper! The American punk influences (Dead Boys, Dictators, Real Kids) are obvious, but there's a discernible Aussie punk flavor to these tracks as well. If you dig snotty vocals, smoking guitars, and a rhythm section that refuses to adhere to the posted speed limit, you are in for a treat. Any way you slice it, this is very well-done punk rock 'n' roll with attitude and energy to burn. It's 2024, and bands like this still exist. I'll drink to that!


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