Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Moral Crux - The digital reissues!

Oh my god! Moral Crux has a Bandcamp?! I've been waiting for years for the Moral Crux catalog to make it to this particular platform - especially those earlier titles that have been out of print for a very long time. This is a very important band in my musical life. Back in the '90s, Moral Crux was my bridge from poppier punk stuff to the '77-style punk that would ultimately become my favorite music of all-time. And I guarantee that a lot of people who came up on pop-punk around the time I did have a similar story. Moral Crux is often associated with '90s pop-punk, and they even did a 7" with Mutant Pop Records. But they actually started in the early '80s, and to me they always had more of a pure '77 sound. James Farris and company took the melody-based punk style of the Ramones, Buzzcocks, and Generation X and combined it with the heart and mind of The Clash. For over 35 years, James has used this band as a platform to rail against injustice, abuses of power, and the dumbing down of American culture. Eventually Moral Crux got signed to Panic Button/Lookout! Records and released the excellent albums Something More Dangerous and Pop Culture Assassins. The titles now available on Bandcamp are earlier, much rawer-sounding releases and probably my three favorite Moral Crux albums. The self-titled album from 1987 is a total classic. ...And Nothing But The Truth (1993) and I Was A Teenage Teenager (1994) have been criminally overlooked for decades. I am stoked that these albums have been remastered and revived for our listening pleasure! Who ever said that political punk rock can't be catchy? If you like what you hear, be sure to also check out Moral Crux's most recent EP on Mooster Records! 



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