Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Brad Marino - "False Alarm"

Oh boy, I've got something special to kick off the new month! One of the best albums released by anyone last year was Extra Credit by Brad Marino. It was my third-ranked album of 2019, and I'm psyched to say we're getting a follow-up of sorts next month. The False Alarm 7", out May 15th on Rum Bar Records, will feature two new original songs plus a cover of Hoodoo Gurus' "What's My Scene". The CD version will come with five bonus tracks - effectively making False Alarm a mini album! Brad Marino is one of my favorite people in music, and I love how he injects poppy, hook-driven songwriting into the style of pure rock and roll. The lineage of Buddy Holly to the Flamin' Groovies to the Ramones to Rockpile is carried on in Marino's solo recordings. While we'll have to wait another six weeks for the release of False Alarm, the title track came out today and is of course absolutely killer. It's rocking, catchy, and full of Marino's typically clever lyrics (favorite line: "I've been thinking/And I've been drinking/Sometimes I mix the two"). This, my friends, is how you do rock and roll with hooks. If Brian Wilson had written a song for the Stones back in the day, it might have sounded an awful lot like this. I am so pumped to hear the rest of these songs! Pre-order for False Alarm is up now on the Rum Bar Bandcamp!


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