Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The Hi-End - "The Way She Moves Me"

Something I really love about Rum Bar Records is that in addition to putting out great music from all around the world, Malibu Lou has made his label a home base for the ever-thriving Boston punk/garage/rock and roll scene. Since my earliest days writing about music, there was always something different about Boston. You seemed to have punk bands that weren't afraid to rock and rock bands that weren't afraid to embrace punk. I think that has a lot to do with that great city's musical heritage, and it continues to this day. Just on Rum Bar Records alone, recent releases from the likes of Watts, Duck & Cover, Dogmatics, Tom Baker & The Snakes, and Justine and the Unclean have exemplified the spirit of Boston punk rock and roll. Now you can add The Hi-End to that list. You can tell these guys love everything from The Stooges to AC/DC to Chuck Berry. Their m.o. is high energy rock and roll with hooks, which is something I'm obviously into. In the way of a preview of The Hi-End's forthcoming album Class Kicks, Rum Bar has released the free digital single "The Way She Moves Me". This song, as the kids say, is a banger. It literally has me dancing in my computer chair as I write this. It's got an unstoppable beat, dueling high-powered guitars, and a good old sing-along chorus. What's not to love? These dudes bring the rock AND the roll, and I am super pumped for a full album! Enjoy this free single now, and be on the lookout for Class Kicks arriving in May!



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