Friday, July 05, 2019

The Darrans - self titled

What's this: another killer Aussie punk band?! If you're wondering what's been going on with Australian punk lately, I'd say it's the same thing that's been going on for the last 40 years. It's just that the world has been paying closer attention the last couple of years. The Darrans definitely share musical DNA with Radio Birdman, Cosmic Psychos, The Hard-Ons, and many other legends of Aussie punk. In fact, I'd describe their debut album as quintessential Aussie punk. This band plays loud and aggressive punk rock with thundering guitars, an unruly attitude, and a singer who knows how to scream his guts out in a totally bad-ass way. If you're craving some ripping old style punk rock with just the right amount of heavy rock influence, songs like "Alright", "Crispy Socks", and "Come Steyne" ought to give you the jolt you desire. In general, I'd say this album will batter your eardrums. And I mean that, of course, as a high compliment. These guys tear through most of these tracks like they're trying to flatten everything in their path. And even when they slow things down a tad ("The Thing"), their sound is absolutely pummeling. Remember when hardcore punk wasn't yet called hardcore because it was, you know, just punk? That's what The Darrans remind me of. Crank this loud and annoy the neighbors!


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