Monday, May 06, 2019

The Dick Dastardly's - ブラック魔王 - Burakku Demon King

If there's one thing I often find myself craving more of from today's punk rock, it's dirtiness. So when the email came in on Italy's The Dick Dastardly's and mentioned them being "one of the dirtiest bands around", I knew I needed to pay some attention! Out on Slack Records and S.F.A. Records (both from the east coast of Italy), ブラック魔王 - Burakku Demon King is the debut album from this Talacchio-based five-piece. These guys sound like they cut their teeth on the entire Crypt Records catalog - most specifically The Pagans and New Bomb Turks. Throw in a touch of Zero Boys/DOA proto-hardcore, and you've got yourself some filthy punk rock n' roll that you can really sink your teeth into! If you saw this album on a store shelf, you'd probably be like, "What the fuck is this?!". But a quick glance at song titles like "Hard Drugs" and "Peepshow" will give you a clearer idea of what The Dick Dastardly's are all about. They keep it fast and raw, tearing through ten scuzzy tracks in just 18 minutes. And if they seem to be stuck in the '90s ("Third rule is don't listen to ska!"), I would be very happy to be stuck there with them! This is the way I like my punk: ripping and chock full of attitude - yet still catchy enough to get the old toes tapping. Crypt Records forever!


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