Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Less Talk, More Rock!

I will be embarking on a journey of career change in exactly two months. This will involve me going back to school for the first time in 22 years. If all goes well, I will have an associates degree in accounting by June of 2017. My plan is to work and go to school - which sadly will leave me little if any time to keep this blog going. With that in mind, I see four possible courses of action for the future of F & L:

Option A would be to tweak the format of this blog. In this scenario, I would continue to share music but stop writing proper "reviews". The focus would be on posting songs for people to stream. Instead of me going on and on and on about a certain release, I would pretty much let the music speak for itself. The write-ups would be brief and to the point. This "less talk, more rock" option seems to be my preferred choice right now. I'd say there's a 45% chance of me going in this direction as of late August. Writing reviews is by far the most time-consuming aspect of doing this blog. And honestly, I don't think people come here to read my clunky prose. They come here to find out about awesome music!

Option B would be to go on an extended hiatus so I could focus fully on my studies. Essentially I'd kill the blog but leave the door open for it to be revived in a couple of years. I would also consider an eventual return to the world of music in the form of podcasting instead of blogging (Maybe after all of these years trying to be Lester Bangs, I'd rather just be Wolfman Jack).

The problem with Option B is that I know I'd miss doing F & L if I had to give it up. Music brings joy to my life, and this blog allows me to share some of that joy with you. But I am considering going this route because of the importance of me succeeding in this career change adventure. Perhaps eliminating all distractions is the soundest way to go. My wife and I are planning to relocate to the Midwest in 2017, and this cannot happen unless I become fully employable. I'd say there's a 35% chance of me going with this option.

Option C would be for me to keep this blog going as usual, but to only do 3 or 4 posts a month instead of the usual 10-15. In a lot of ways, this is an appealing choice. My goal when I started F & L was to only write about music that I really liked. And for the most part, I've stuck to that pretty well. The "problem" is that there's just so much great music out there right now! I already feel like a total asshole when good bands contact me about reviews and I just don't have the time to give them coverage. Now multiply that situation by three, and I would feel like triple the jerk! Still, I'd say there's a 15% chance of me going with this option.

Option D would be for me to keep this blog going as usual and just sleep a lot less. I'd say there's a 5% chance of me going with this option. And that's a very liberal estimate. I need my sleep!

Regardless of which option I choose, I kindly request that nobody send me records without contacting me first and making sure that I am willing and able to do a writeup on your release. I don't want anyone going to the trouble and expense of sending me promotional material unless I can guarantee a positive review. At this point, it's better to contact me with links to streaming sites (Bandcamp, Soundcloud, etc.) or YouTube clips that I can directly share with my followers. If you've already sent me something to review, I will be getting to it soon. But going forward, I will not be accepting unsolicited promo packages.

I imagine I will soon begin transitioning to shorter reviews - although brevity has never been my strong suit. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for following F & L, and stay tuned for more updates on the future of this blog!



  1. If you choose option A it will be a shame because your texts are very good. We don't write in SoD because we don't know. In any case it is preferable to Option B, but our preferred option is D hahaha. Whatever you choose we will continue reading / listening to F&L.

  2. i think your best route is don't sleep! if that isn't possible, keep on directing us to the great music whilst limiting reviews to only the truly great. any idiot can post a song and add a couple of lines of prose but only a few can write well enough to stoke up as much enthusiasm to go listen to something as you do josh. anyway, you'll miss the ferraris, holidays in hawaii, bundles of cash that the record companies sweeten you up with!!!!

  3. New CONNECTION album, c'mon!!!!!!!!

  4. https://the-connection.bandcamp.com/album/labor-of-love

  5. I'm going full-bore on that Connection review - expect something way over the top! This album deserves it!

  6. but...but...the new Jabronis & Anxieties albums aren't done yet...

  7. Selfishly, I'd prefer Option A - I'd miss finding out about new releases from bands I've (often) never heard of. I'd like to see that channel of info remain open. Then when time and enthusiasm permit, you can write in more detail, as I think you'll want to do. You'll want an outlet from accounting every so often. So I think you should just keep it going in an easy to manage, no huge commitment kind of way. Either way, good luck with everything!

  8. even working/studying 25 hours a day, you're too enthusiastic about music to not shout about it josh :)

  9. I would prefer option A, but whatever you choose, thank you for all the great stuff you have gotten me into. And all the luck with your studies!

  10. Just do it when you can, thats when I make records ..when I can , You can't turn off who you are and what you love to do.I actually enjoy your writing more than just clicking on a song. What you write about it would make me morel likely to go buy it at a store rather than click on it and know that i can just click on it anytime I want to hear it. I say do what you can and when you can and we will still all enjoy it when we can.!!
    Good luck !!

    Travis Ramin

  11. Hello,
    I'm purchasing thru Bandcamp quite all music items you are presenting. It is fresh and I'm fast to listen it loud. Thanks a lot for your blog that is changing of what we can find on the blogsphere. Thanks again. musicyoucan
