Friday, May 08, 2020

Pavid Vermin - Cutting Corners

Pavid Vermin was home-recording albums when home-recording albums wasn't cool! Cutting Corners is the third album Glenn Robinson has released under the Pavid Vermin handle since April of last year. But while the first of the three, Jump! Jive! and Fail!, was on the lower end of the fidelity spectrum, Robinson has mastered the art of DIY recording to the point where you'd think Cutting Corners came out of a "professional" studio. What hasn't changed is Pavid Vermin's general sound: upbeat, super-catchy pop-punk with buzzsaw guitars and killer hooks. The humor in the album title is that Robinson stole all 17 song titles from The Beatles' Abbey Road, then proceeded to write original songs that have absolutely nothing to do with The Beatles. That was a genius idea, but the joke would have worn out fast if this weren't such a kick-ass record. Robinson has fashioned a sound that falls halfway between the Ramones and Descendents. That's a pretty sweet spot, eh? He's got the instrumental chops to keep everything fast and tight, but his greatest asset with this project is his knack for writing simple, fun songs that will stick in your head all day long. If you love pop-punk, you'll rarely hear it done better than this!



  1. Track Monetization, For you artists and musicians. Don't worry, in Sound Melodic you can sell and make money from your work. That's not all, you can connect with fans, share your sound and grow your audience. Ready to rock your world? submit your music/band at

  2. I just came to get some information on Track Monetization, to figure out how I can sell and make money from my work. Though, I also wanted something where I could connect with fans, share my sound and grow my audience because I'm READY TO ROCK MY WORLD.

    Luckily for me, that idiot up there, just spammed your blog and totally gave me what I was looking for.

    Though, even MORE LUCKY for me, I read this review and found out about PAVID VERMIN.


    Great great stuffffff...Totally digging this!
