Monday, March 16, 2020

Moron's Morons - Looking For Danger (Album Premiere)

Looking for some good news finally? I've got you covered! Your pals Philo Phuckphace, Turd Awesome, John Pauly Shore II, and Lawless Dick Stingher have returned with a 13-track assault on your delicate eardrums and all things decent. Warsaw's Moron's Morons have been tearing it up for a few years now with their wild and furious brand of filthy punk rock. They have done EPs with top labels like Slovenly Recordings and No Front Teeth Records and dutifully slugged their way to heavyweight status in the garage-punk world. Slovenly won the wrestling match for the opportunity to release the band's debut album, and now here it is. And I literally mean here! Looking For Danger releases this Friday on Slovenly, but you can stream it below and delight in the savage brilliance of songs like "You Put Hot In Psychotic", "Fuck You", and the sure-fire top 40 hit "Addicted To Homicide". Fans of the band's EPs will be glad to hear that Moron's Morons have taken their existing formula and simply doubled down on it. They haven't stepped far from their original Germs/Dwarves/Pagans/GG inspirations. As the title of the album suggests, they have set out on a mission of pure sonic destruction. And while many of these songs recall a time when punk music reveled in its capacity to be offensive, anti-social, or just plain wrong, this is no novelty record. Moron's Morons, first and foremost, write killer punk rock tunes. From the opening notes of "Rise With Me", the band conjures a musical violence that sends chills down the spine. Songs like the raging "Wonderlust" and "Garageman" scorch on a level I haven't encountered in the garage-punk scene since label mates The Cavemen first wreaked havoc upon an unprepared world. "Rate Your Teacher", re-recorded from the last EP, just might be powerful enough to raise Darby Crash from the dead. "Sidewalk Service", with its Stoogey snarl and primal keyboard strains, demonstrates that Moron's Morons are expanding their repertoire. And just in case you were still unsure about this band's exact place in the punk universe, covers of Pure Hell and Cosmic Psychos make the Moron's Morons m.o. crystal clear. This is primitive and scuzzy punk rock at its very finest, and of course Slovenly Recordings was going to be all over it. "Fuck You" is sure to become the anthem of social distancing 2020. Listen...if you dare!


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