Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Chats - "Pub Feed"

So we got new singles from Amyl and the Sniffers and The Chats in just the space of a couple weeks? It's as if Australia is opening up its massive arms and engulfing the world with awesomeness. Not that it's a competition...but of the two, the new Chats is the one I'm feeling more. Just when I thought the instant cult classic "Smoko" could never be matched, The Chats have returned with a song that could very well be my new personal anthem. What I love about this track is that it treats the craving of pub cuisine as if it's the most important thing in the world. Which, of course, it is! I just might need the lyrics to this song engraved on my tombstone! "Pub Feed" is available on 7" from Bargain Bin Records. Ordering information is available at The Chats web site. These guys already won over my heart by immortalizing their love for beer in their web addresses. Now they've taken it to another level with "Pub Feed". I can only imagine what's coming next. I'm with Mick Fletcher in hoping that a full album will be following in short order!



  1. i'm having this image of me and you in a pub sat either side of the table banging our cutlery and shouting "album now!"

  2. Ha! That sounds about right! Although if they keep turning out stuff this brilliant, I might be willing to be patient.
