Monday, July 27, 2015


I talked last month about major changes in my life leading to major changes to this blog. In exactly four weeks, I will become a college student for the second time in my life. I will be losing approximately 14 hours per week of free time. Clearly, I will not have the time to keep F & L going the way it's been going (I spend at least 3 hours per week maintaining the blog now). After pondering multiple courses of action, I have come to the conclusion that completely ending this blog would be taking it way too far. When it comes to budgeting free time, I'd much rather sacrifice a few hours of perusing Facebook or watching junk television than give up a blog that's this fun to do. And truthfully, the type of music I feature is going so strong right now that I simply can't not write about it! I mean, come on. Did I ever really believe I wasn't going to review the new albums from Night Birds and Kurt Baker?! I'm just not ready to put F & L to bed. In a worst-case scenario, I might take a brief hiatus in September to give myself a chance to acclimate to the life of a full-time employee and half-time student. 

What I've decided to do instead of killing the blog is to cut back on both the length and frequency of my posts. My attempts to start transitioning to shorter reviews this month have not been overly successful. But, you know, I'm trying. And just for the sake of my personal sanity, I will need to limit myself to only 3 or 4 reviews per month. In a way, that will be the best thing for F & L. I don't perceive of myself as an authority on music or as an exceptional writer. What I think I have going for me is a sheer love for music and a knack for expressing enthusiasm. I like the idea of getting back to my original vision of only writing about the releases that I'm most excited about. Of course, this means that I won't be able to review even half of the music that bands and labels submit to me. I apologize in advance. Please keep in mind that I'm just one guy blogging in his spare time.

So this is important: please do not send me records! I don't want anyone going to the trouble and expense of sending me physical review material when there's no way I can guarantee it will be reviewed. I do love hearing from bands and labels, but I must insist that all submissions be digital.

I thank all of you who have followed this blog over the last four years. I appreciate all the recent feedback on how I should proceed, and I am eager to continue spreading the gospel. F & L, I believe, will actually benefit from a streamlined format!



  1. I've learned about so many good bands via your blog, maaaan. So, yeah, please keep doing it one way or another. (Eaqual number of) shorter reviews might be a good compromise's important to learn about a band, I can (fully) try it out later on my own...

    Anyway, thanks, LORDMAN!

  2. This blog is pure magic!!!!
