Thursday, September 19, 2013

Meet Bishops Green

Bishops Green describes itself as a "melodic, hard-hitting street-punk band". If you think that sounds like my cup of tea, you're totally right! Remember when I used to review bands like this all the time? Those were the days. I'm getting nostalgic for 1998!

When it comes to this particular genre of music, Bishops Green is the best band I've heard in a really long time. Formed in 2011, the Vancouver foursome cites influences ranging from classic Oi! (Blitz, Partisans, Cock Sparrer) to early '80s American hardcore (Minor Threat, Naked Raygun) to first wave punk greats like The Clash and Stiff Little Fingers. Fronted by ferociously gruff-voiced Greg Huff (Alternate Action, Lancasters, Subway Thugs), Bishops Green delivers a blend of toughness and melody that you just don't hear often enough these days. The band's latest EP has me fired up to hoist a pint of brew and shout along to each and every chorus. And lyrically, you can really hear the influence of the aforementioned classic bands in songs that have something serious to say about the state of the world and the plight of the common man. Opening tracks "Tumbling Down" and "Blinded" are as furious and anthemic as it gets. And even when they slow down the tempo on songs like the totally great "Senseless Crime", they sacrifice none of the power or intensity. With its sing-along choruses and impassioned lyrics, Bishops Green is a total throwback to the glory days of street punk. Play their EP loud! New album coming soon.



  1. Yeah, bloody fantastic! That reminds ME when I was a little Punk with studded belts and whatnot back in the nineties, listening to Oxymoron and all that stuff all day long!

  2. Lord Rutledge. You reviewed an album from my band The Itch around 2006 for Now Wave magazine. You really seemed to understand us. I was wanting to send you our new lp to review and the 7" we out before that. Is that possible? respond to
